Hi there! My name is Ana and I've been working as a graphic designer for 15 years. I have a bachelor's degree in advertising in a MA in graphic design in Brazilian universities. In 2012 I took several short courses at the University of the Arts London.
I worked in ad agencies while I was graduating, but I soon realised that I was more into design than advertising. Since 2013 I've been working as a freelancer for a large number of design studios in Porto Alegre (in the south of Brazil, where I'm currently living) and São Paulo. I also work directly with clients, where I take care of the entire process: prospecting, commercial proposal, creation and presentation of projects.
In the past few years I've been working more with branding and packaging design. In 2019 one of my packaging projects received a gold medal in Pentawards, which made me very happy.
In addition to my work as a graphic designer, I'm also an illustrator. I have a brand called Anaiáiá (you can check some of my illustrations on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anaiaia/) and I have participated in several illustration and design fairs throughout Brazil and in London, where I spent a few months in 2018.
I really appreciate when projects allow my more authorial illustrations to be part of a design job, but I also have flexibility in illustrating in different styles.
anapzonta@gmail.com | +55 51 981751811 | @anaiaia